The Peninsula calls on hotels to save the rhino

The Peninsula All-Suite Hotel are hoping South African hotels will be encouraged to follow their lead for Heritage Day and Tourism Month.

The Peninsula, known for its commitment to social development, and Adrian Gardiner of Wilderness Foundation, will throw down the charity gauntlet at a FEDHASA’s GM’s lunch on Friday 18th September, challenging hotels across South Africa to join in supporting the Wilderness Foundation’s Forever Wild Rhino Protection Initiative.

Championed by The Peninsula’s staff, the initiative provides guests with an opportunity to “adopt” a fluffy toy rhino by adding R150 to their bill, thereby contributing to the Forever Wild Rhino Protection Initiative, launched by the Wilderness Foundation in response to the rhino poaching crisis and the plight of the endangered animal.

“After two months of ‘Project Rhino’ at the Peninsula, we have been able to donate R20 100. Ultimately, we aim to encourage other Hotel Groups to follow our lead – so far, Dream Hotels &Resorts have accepted the challenge and placed an order for 250 rhinos, with a total value of R37 500.00 going straight to the Wilderness Foundation,” says Chris Godenir, General Manager at The Peninsula.

It is estimated that a rhino is killed every 8 hours in South Africa, which means that commitment to this cause is more necessary than ever before.

The Wilderness Foundation is a not-for-profit international conservation organisation that began in Africa over 60 years ago. Since its inception in 2011, the Forever Wild Rhino Initiative has the two-fold function of supporting dedicated anti-poaching rangers in South Africa and other rhino range states, as well as lobbying for politicians and decision-makers to address the issue of illegal trade of rhino horn and wildlife products.

“Cape Town’s Hotel community has the opportunity to make a real difference by supporting this initiative – all donations go toward funding vehicles for anti-poaching purposes, security and surveillance equipment to monitor rhino hotspots, training workshops, awareness and advocacy presentations to key government officials, and various other activities,” continues Godenir.

The Peninsula All-Suite Hotel, a celebrated landmark on the picturesque Sea Point Promenade Platinum Mile, has shown its commitment to various social and environmental initiatives – earning its reputation as the Cape Town’s Hotel with a heart.

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