Green Point neighbourhood spooked by Halloween

Long Live Halloween.

It was around 6pm on Wednesday (31 October) that kids from around the Braemer – Wessels roads vicinity took to the streets in the true spirit of Halloween.
The traditional trick or treat Halloween fare was the initiative of a group of Green Point residents whose initial point of contact was borne out of a concern for safety in the area.
But everyone loves a party so Halloween came in just handy, and one hears via the grapevine that a street party is next on the cards, or should that be on the Braemer Road stairs.
It was obvious that a great deal of thought had gone into the making of costumes and the end result was that a frightening sight of ghouls, witches and whatever greeted neighbours at their front gates, all this with some mommies and daddies in tow. Given that among the ranks there are artists, interior designers, real estate agents, IT engineers, architects, etc, the designs suggests there was a fair amount of thinking outside the box. Lo and behold one of the witches turned up in a glittering silver box. The rest were an incongruous mixture of zombies, ghouls, vampires, and werewolves, and thankfully none of them came to light with any hateful or abominable vices.
Being a debut event for the mostly greenhorn Halloween greenpointers there wasn’t much evidence of tricks, but they nevertheless were swamped by treats, as generous neighbours were well stocked – probably out of fear that the time-released Halloween curse would be let loose on them.
At least six or more kids were seen with three or more one litre buckets overflowing at the end of their hour-long candy haul.
Really a great effort by the greenpointers, and how about that childless couple at the top of the road that borrowed three kids so that they could join in the fun.
And spare a thought for another couple who had loads of treats at the ready but the kids did not make a stop at their front door. Their names won’t be mentioned but if you spot anyone on Braemer bearing a vague resemblance of roly poly, you would have blown their cover.
So now bring on the street party!


One comment

  1. We do it in a bit more organised fashion in Muizenberg – I think we had 80 – 100 kids this year, and 6 or 7 stops. Here's a pic from our Facebook group: – but it doesn't really do it justice….


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