Once ‘Odd Job’, now Lady Jane

Nearly, nearly, nearly five decades ago, to this day (18 February) a baby girl was added to the Jones household at Parkfield Road North, New Moston, Manchester M40, at around 8.30 in the morning, about the same time father Peter was about to set off for work. When he was shown the baby he was perturbed by a few red marks around the forehead and duly named her ‘Odd Job’ – a veiled reference to the the villain Auric Goldfinger in the James Bond film. Furthermore, he said to mother June and the midwife: “If she does not improve her looks by the time I get back home at lunch time she can go back to where she came from.” Needless to say, Mother Nature, took Peter seriously and set about doing a damn good job in the looks department of Jane Vivienne Jones.
Jane Jones, co-owner of www.capedreams.co.za and sectional title specialist agent on the Atlantic Seaboard was served a birthday breakfast in the garden by www.capedreams.co.za editor Herman R Gibbs.
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