Marais provides an insightful view of the Proteas at the CWC

17 November 2023 – Craig Marais, the former first-class cricketer, weighs in on the Proteas’ inability to reach a Cricket World Cup final.
Marais is a semi-retired cricket and rugby commentator, sports reporter and one of the finest sports MCs in the business.
The former SA Schools rugby and cricket cap is still as passionate as ever about sport. He fervently hopes that South Africa will win the CWC in his lifetime.
For many years Marais has been at the coalface of international cricket and is highly qualified to provide an insightful view on the Proteas.
Here are his views:
“I’ve experienced such disappointment with the Proteas in the past (including covering the 2007 CWC in the Caribbean, and the 2015 WC in Aus & NZ) that I avoid disappointment & have no expectations when it comes to the Proteas at World Cups.
“They did well in this World Cup, and Rob Walters & his coaching staff in their first WC together must be congratulated.
“But the truth is, I expected the Proteas to lose today in the semi-final and they did. They normally do and after 30 years have still not made it to a Cricket World Cup Final.
“They are the complete opposite of the Springboks when It comes to knock-out cricket versus knock-out rugby.
“Surely something is wrong. Surely, we can do better. Surely, we learn from our mistakes, become better, evolve and start winning World Cups or at least get to a final.
“Or just be a bunch of losers when it comes to cricket, make excuses and be happy to be labelled the chokers of world cricket.
“Is SA cricket open, honest, and authentic enough to sort out the problems and come up with solutions? I don’t think so and fans must prepare themselves for more heartache in the future.
“Love or hate Australia, – they know how to win World Cups. They have won five already and counting. They were runners-up twice.
“Their domestic system is strong and competitive producing not only talented cricketers but ones who are mentally strong. They produce on the big stage when it really counts and do this continuously.
“Our system is too diluted with too many cricketers, too many franchises, too many journeymen who are never going to play for South Africa.
“Transformation was necessary and still is but when are we going to be able to just choose our best team – when if ever? No bullshit, just choose our best team like the Springboks do.
Not have to play Rabada, Ngidi and Bavuma into the ground.
“Fans aren’t stupid they can see what’s happening, especially at the domestic level. We choose via numbers; must choose 3 black Africans; no more than 5 white cricketers; it’s a balancing act all the time. Poor coaches! A black player gets sick, and you must answer why only two are taking the field!
“What about players like Reeza Hendricks who no matter how well they perform at World Cups, can’t get a game and opportunities.
“And the facts are; coloured cricketers – they weren’t white enough in the bad old days. Now they are not black enough! How sad is that – a double whammy discrimination.
“I hope the Proteas win a World Cup in my lifetime.
“They desperately need a Rassie Erasmus – someone who is open, honest and authentic. Otherwise. it will just be the same old same old like the last 30 years, do the same things over and over and hope for a different result.
“And like other sporting organisations, CSA have to answer to the government and the ANC, who have managed to destroy everything they touch and get involved in.
“SA rugby was in a total mess not so long ago until Rassie Erasmus came back and got involved.
“I hope South African cricket finds their Rassie or does something similar!”
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