‘Gino Fabbri is Completely Nuts’ coming to Cape Town

The celebrated straight-jacket comedy ‘Gino Fabbri is Completely Nuts’ is heading to Cape Town. The one night only comedy skit will be hosted at the Barnyard Theatre Willowbridge on Friday, 16 October 2015.

The show comes to Cape Town audiences off the back of a successful run at the Barnyard Theatre Emperors Palace, Musiekskuur and Cresta earlier this year. Eastern Cape born Fabbri, steps into the persona of six hilariously unhinged characters in order to poke fun at our multi-cultural, multi-lingual melting pot society and proves that madness, like stupidity, is an entirely subjective affair.

‘Sanity’ is a word not often associated with Fabbri or any of the loony characters which he portrays. Completely Nuts has less to do with squirrels and everything to do with the balmy, loopy, half-witted perspectives and shenanigans that these characters get up to, most of whom turn out to be ‘about as sharp as a bowling ball’

The Nutty comedian plays a variety of characters that many Capetonians can identify with. From, a zany traffic officer and self-proclaimed superhero of traffic ordinance compliance, to a socially inept eccentric German scientist who separates emotions from facts, preferring IQ to EQ, to a Latin lover who woos the ladies and shares his unfortunate stories of conquest and virility – this show is quite literally NUTS!

Describing the show as an “antidote to deep thinking”, Fabbri says “Hiding behind the guise of these dysfunctional personas grants one an enormous amount of license. There is no age restriction … only a money restriction. But don’t worry … the jokes are free”, he quips.

“My characters let their flaws hang out, oblivious to the fact that we can all see them. Audiences recognize their own shortcomings in these characters – and we are all secretly afraid that our own insecurities are as clearly visible for the world to see!!”

The show will run for one night only and is set to sell out quickly, so hurry along and book!

Tickets are R120 per person and can be booked by calling the Barnyard Theatre Willowbridge on 021 914 8898 or bookings can be made online at www.barnyardtheatre.co.za

For further information on the show, contact Jessica Randall on jessica@centrestage.co.za or 041 368 3093 / 083 225 5401
Event Details: Show: Gino Fabbri is Completely Nuts, on Friday, 16 October 2015.
Where: Barnyard Theatre Willowbridge @ cost: R120 per person

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