Care to dance ? Toe the line …

By Shereen Bruinders, Line Dance Instructor

The First Ave Dance Club is based in Harfield Village, a vibrant business and residential hub.
Conveniently situated in First Avenue, opposite Abbotts College.
Line dance classes take place at The Village Work Centre: Monday mornings, Wednesday and Friday evenings and Saturday mornings.
It is more than just a dance club. It’s a place where people socialize and support each other through all their ups and downs.
In line dancing some of the steps come in groups, each with its own name. Don’t worry! Once you have a grasp of the basic moves, learning new dances will become easier
Line dances have varying degrees of difficulty and speed. Some are written for one piece of music, others can be danced to many different tracks. Line dancers are very friendly and you’ll always find someone who’s happy to guide a novice.
It is very good for you, physically, mentally and spiritually. It can help keep joints supple and build up strength in your leg muscles; it’s good for the heart & lungs; memorizing the step patterns exercises your brain; and it is good fun!
Clothing: Lots of layers – tops, t-shirts, shirts.
Refreshment: You can become quite dehydrated during physical exercise and it is a good idea to get a drink whenever you need one.
Important (Health and Safety): If there are any moves that cause pain or dizziness, steps can easily be adapted so that you can still learn and enjoy the dances.
Anyone can line dance. It’s a fun way to keep fit.
Smile and keep dancing!

Contact details:
Shereen Bruinders

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