Jane is in the fast lane
By Herman Gibbs, Cape Dreams property writer
We’ve just been through some chilly times in Cape Town, but sales of apartments on the Atlantic Seaboard have been hotting up all the while – just ask Jane Jones, the Atlantic Seaboard Sectional Title Specialist at Dogon Group.
Jane, a born and bred Mancunian, has been selling up a storm – enough the make the Cape of Storms blush, and now finds her stocks somewhat depleted.
She has (many of them pre-qualified) buyers coming out of her ears but stocks are depleted.
Key to her speedy sales turn-around has been realistic pricing which has always been a primary consideration for those in the market.
So if you thinking about selling, or have decided so already, Jane’s waiting to hear from you.
Contact Jane Jones on +27 21 434 1223 or 0724672611 or jane@dogongroup.com